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Frequently Asked Questions

Skippy black lime

How do I choose the right size of my Skippy onesie?

Answer: Skippy onesies are meant to be loose, comfortable to wear and allow you to move around freely. Use our size guide to choose the right size for you. How tall you are is the most important factor. You can find more details in the Size guide section.

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What if the size I chose doesn’t fit?

Answer: Size exchange is available for all items you buy at our store. You can also choose to pick a different design all together, or to return the item without exchanging it within 14 days. Before you send something back to us, please fill out our online return slip at www.skippy.eu/en/exchange where you can easily choose the exchange method, choose and book new items, and print out all necessary paperwork.

If you are buying a onesie as a gift or simply want to have a longer exchange window, we suggest buying an Extended period. This will allow you to exchange your items within 40 days from the delivery or extend this period during the holiday season up to January 10 of the next year.

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Can I machine-wash my Skippy onesie?

Answer:Yes, Skippy onesies are machine-washable, but we strongly recommend washing them separately, without any other clothes, and sticking to 30°C.

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Are the slippers connected to the onesie? Can I wear them separately?

Answer: Sure you can. The onesie legs are just like sweatpants. The slippers are a completely separate item and you can choose to wear them with your onesie or not – it’s completely up to you.

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Can I have a colour-customized onesie?

Answer: You can choose from the onesies that we have in stock. We do not offer colour customization since making one custom onesie would be pretty expensive and time-consuming, which is why we always have to make a certain minimum number of pieces in each design.

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