Create account

Instructions to reset your password were just sent to the email address you provided. Once you set a new password, you will be able to use it here as well.



Please fill in all required fields.
The email address you entered is in the wrong format. Please check it try again.
Sorry, login failed. The password is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, click on one of the options below.

Or log in/register with
Forgot your password?

Don't have an account? Sign up here.
E-mail *

First name *

Last name *

Password *

Please fill in all required fields.
The email address you entered is in the wrong format. Please check it try again.
E-mail already has an account with us.
Our systems think you're a robot, so they won't let you continue. If you are a real human, please contact us and we will find a solution together.
Creating an account failed. If you are a human being, please contact us and we will solve it together.
Reset your password via email

Would you like to send a link
to reset your password to this email?


Please fill in all required fields.
The email address you entered is in the wrong format. Please check it try again.
Our systems think you're a robot, so they won't let you continue. If you are a real human, please contact us and we will find a solution together.
There is no account with this email address


VAT ID: CZ01962370
E-mail: info@skippy.eu

Contact address (for exchanges and return packages):
Zapadni 379
Hroznetin, 362 33
Czech Republic

Exchanges and returns

If you need to exchange or return something, please go to www.skippy.eu/en/exchange. There, you can submit your exchange request, with the system guiding you through every step of the process and letting you print out the address labels and the entire request form. We will also reserve the replacement items of your choice for you right away.

Contact Form

Please take a look at the FAQ section before emailing us. The answer you are looking for might be there already! Thank you.


First name:

Your question:

Terms and Conditions

1. Purchase, Registration, Login

2. Shopping

3. Delivery